Bandidos Yanquis

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
km 5529
We arrived here around 1:00 this afternoon after a 15 hour bus ride from Torreon, which was actually not bad at all. We´re officially on our own now. We spent our time in Torreon with Jorge who was our roommate in Brandon for four months. His family (parents, two aunts and an uncle) took very good care of us. Another former roommate, Monica, also lives in Torreon, so the four of us had an awesome time. Like Clay said before, the people here are incredibly friendly. Four families have told us ´Mi casa es su casa.' We´ve seen marriachis, and eaten real tacos and carne assada. For those of you who care about geography, Torreon is actually one of three cities which all border each other. The other two are Gomez Palacio and Ciudad Lerdo. Together they are known as Laguna, and have a population of about 1 million and a soccer team called Santos.

It´s exciting to be making our way farther South. We´re skipping alot of Mexico because we want to make it to southern Chile by the end of February before it starts getting cold, and we hope to make it up on the way back. Puerto Vallarta is beautiful. There are alot of tourists here though and hotels as far as the eye can see. But it´s still nice. We´ll probably only be here for a couple days. We spent the afternoon on the beach
I (Pieter) am computer illiterate so I´ve had problems posting pictures. The files were too big and I don´t know how to compress them. If you click on the picture (which I realize has very low resolution) it might take you to more pictures but if that doesn´t work go to: . That should do it I think. We might be in Guatemala next time we write something. Thanks for reading.


At 12:29 PM, Blogger Joel Muller said...

Maybe you should avoid Bolivia? Good to see that you are up and running. I think you can post video too, but I'm not totally sure about that. Luk seems to have this whole thing figured out, maybe you can ask him.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Bill Ulrich said...

Hey guys! What a fun time you're going to have! (This is Erin... I think this comment will post as Bill since I'm using his computer.) Kristian is being very pleasant this afternoon, so I've been able to catch up on all this email and blog business! I'm excited to read of your exploits in South America... knowing you two guys, the writing should be extra interesting!


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